Awake At Work

David Nichtern and Michael Carroll share a conversation around what they learned from Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and how that translates into the concept of the authentic colleague in the modern-day workplace.
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The role of mindfulness awareness meditation for leaders
We all know what human agility looks like. For those of us who have attended a performance of “Cirque du Soleil” or the NYC Ballet, we are fortunate to have witnessed remarkable performers executing flawlessly: muscular, refined, and utterly disciplined. And while we may assume that such creative elegance is unique to the performing arts, today’s business climate filled with calamity, unknowns and crisis is fast making the very same agility the defining skill for leading today’s global enterprises.
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The kind of leadership we usually encounter in business, in government, and even in our spiritual communities assumes a top-down perspective. At the top are the leaders, who are engaged, ambitious, and effective. At the bottom are life’s voyeurs, uninvolved, hesitant, and resigned. In between is everyone else. Neither visionaries nor bystanders, most of us go about our lives and are expected to fit in and do our best to contribute. To a great degree we take this top-down perspective for granted.
The Buddhist approach, however, does not encourage us to wait for someone else to take...
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Excepted from “Fearless at Work”
A favorite Taoist story passed down through the centuries recounts the tale of a young boy caught in a most distressing...
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Michael Carroll was interviewed by David Shifrin for The Art of Change.
A sample:
Read MoreToo often, vision is driven by spreadsheets, competitive analysis, product plans, service planning, and marketing. All those are important, of course. But relying on those views too much can come back and bite you if you haven’t spent time feeling your sales rep’s pain, exploring your warehouse and fulfillment problems; listening to your vendors, customers and patients. What are people going through? What do they have to say? What would...